Camp Crossroads has been a part of my life since the age of 5 when I first attended with my family, and it quickly became the highlight of every year once I started going as an overnight camper. As soon as I was old enough I applied to be on staff and had the privilege of being a Leader in Training (2011), a Bridge Summer Staff (2013), and Female Section Head on Summer Team (2016). My staff experience brought many opportunities to grow as an individual especially in leadership and relationships.
Camp gave me the opportunity to be on the worship team and explore being a worship leader. Camp’s mission statement includes a dedication to supporting the local church, and leading worship is an area where I saw that in action. As a result of being on the worship team in Chapel during my Bridge and Team years, I began learning how to lead through worship and my (now) husband, Austin Dick, and I went home to St.Catharines and led worship at Scott St Church once a month.
Camp was a place to realize my gifts and learn about where they could potentially lead me. Education as a career was an idea, but Camp was where that was confirmed when I saw that I absolutely loved the chaos of 30 kindergartners learn about tadpoles for the first time at PeeWee Camp, or when I saw Leaders in Training totally step up to the challenge of cabin leading for the first time with support and guidance from Summer Staff.